Koko Hayashi, Japanese guru, widely famous for her videos, spoke with Dubai Fashion News about face yoga: the bad, the good and the ugly of this anti-aging system.
Koko is also the author of the book “Less is More: Japanese beauty, weight loss & health secrets”. She also launched an app called “The face yoga app”.
Her method is so good, that she has as client the one and only Kim Kardashian, and it was featured on Keep it on with the Kardashians.
The results are amazing. But how easy is to practice? Can everybody practice? All those questions were answered by her.

For beginners, how to start? What is necessary?
Watching YouTube videos is the easiest way to start. It is hard to understand the practices by reading texts due to the nature of the exercises.
Find where on your face you want to improve. Do one exercise to start. It is hard to continue many exercises, so I suggest just one exercise until you see good results. After seeing good results in one area, you can start working in other areas.
Is face yoga recommended for all? From what age you recommend to start with face yoga?
Yes, even for the young. My face yoga is not just facial exercises but it includes face posture®. Keeping good face posture® is, in fact, way more important than facial exercises, because facial exercises are only a couple minutes in total per day. If you are keeping bad face posture® all the time, you won’t see good results.
The easiest 3 points to keep good face posture® is 1. have good body posture, 2. boast a tiny smile, 3. place the tongue upon the pallet. If you are interested in knowing about other points, check this video.
How do you learn the effectiveness of the face yoga? How do you start?
If you start keeping good face posture® at an earlier age, it’ll be easy to keep good face posture® for the rest of your lives, because it is hard to change old habits. The time you think you should start good body posture equals the time to start face posture®.
Please, give us some exercises that we can start with
Laugh line ironing exercises is the easiest one to see results quickly. Just massage the beginning of nasolabial lines (next to the nose) by moving the tip of the tongue, from inside out. This is discreet enough to do anytime anywhere.

Besides the anti-aging effects, what others benefits does this have?
When you are confident about your face, you feel positive and the positivity shows in your face. Positivity is contagious.
Are there any limits to practice this?
Do only 3-5 minutes per day in total, so you can easily continue on a regular basis. Each exercise is like 10 seconds or around, so it should not be more than 5 minutes in total per day.
On yoga we need to dress a certain way, is the same for face yoga? What is the best place to practice it?
Unlike body yoga, face yoga does not require a yoga outfit, yoga mat or anything. In the beginning, I suggest you do in front of a mirror to make sure that you are doing the right movements. But after you master the exercises, you should do while walking, driving, cooking, etc. The beauty of face yoga is that you can do most of the exercises anytime anywhere, so it’s easy to continue.

According to your experience, what is the average time we need to wait to see any results? What is the best suggestion you can give us to see results?
In general in a couple of weeks or months. Unlike Botox or plastic surgeries, face yoga does not offer quick results. The more mature you are, the faster you will see results.
If any woman wants to do a plastic/cosmetic procedure and face yoga, would you recommend it? Do you recommend doing both at the same time?
You should not do any exercises on the treated areas right after you do such procedures, but I recommend keeping doing face yoga after the downtime. Some Japanese plastic surgeons recommend face yoga, because if you get an implant or something in the cheeks, you want the object in the same high position, for example.

Would you recommend the face yoga for men too? The recommendation would be the same?
Of course! Some facial preferences between men and women are different, but in general, the recommendations are the same for both.
For those who are afraid, is there any side effect of practicing face yoga?
It can cause more wrinkles if you are doing wrong. So if you are concerned, please consider taking my private sessions.
To learn more about Koko´s anti-aging techniques, please visit her website:
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